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Fighter Training Online Academy has everything you need to help you get into the best shape of your life and achieve your goals through Martial Arts, Fitness, Nutrition, Motivation, Goal Setting and more.


Before you start, the most important thing is to have an end goal.

You need to have a S.M.A.R.T goal!

What does S.M.A.R.T stand for?








Without a goal, you will not be able to measure your progress and chart your improvement. You will inevitably start to lose interest and become demotivated.



Having a S.M.A.R.T goal will help to keep you disciplined, motivated and focused on the end goal / result.


Once you have a S.M.A.R.T goal, we can help you to achieve it!


There is a goal setting document at the bottom of this page, and there is a link for you to download it.

Using the Goal Setting worksheet will allow you to plan your short-, medium- and long-term goals.


You will be able to monitor your progress and achieve your short-term goals which will take you another step closer to your long-term goal.


Think of your long term goal as a journey.


You are travelling 100 miles to reach your end destination. In the beginning this feels like an endless journey, but if you plan 4 or 5 stops along the way, it is easier to monitor your progress.


You can acknowledge small victories in achieving your short-term goals, and you can see the finish line in sight.


This will help to keep you motivated as you pass each steppingstone along the way.


  1. What do you want to achieve from using Fighter Training Online Academy?

  2. What are you long term goals?

  3. What are your medium-term goals?

  4. What are your short-term goals?

  5. What will you do to achieve them?


Download the Goal Setting Worksheet today to get started.

Visualise your goals with our downloadable goal setting worksheet today!


Supporting Documents

Goal setting worksheet - fitness and martial arts online training coaches
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